
Hoa Phat's electricity generation output reach nearly 1 billion kWh in the first half of 2023

Hoa Phat's electricity generation output reach nearly 1 billion kWh in the first half of 2023

Steel NewsDate: 16-08-2023 by: Ngan Le

In the first 6 months of 2023, Hoa Phat's electricity output at 2 complexes Dung Quat and Hai Duong reached 968 million kWh. Due to the residual heat recovery system, Hoa Phat can save more than 67 million USD and be self-sufficient in over 70% of electricity for steel production.

Hoa Phat's electricity autonomous generation saves 67 million USD in steel production

By the end of June 30, 2023, the total electricity generation of Hoa Phat Iron and Steel Complex thermal power plants in Dung Quat and Hai Duong reached 968 million kWh. Specifically, the self-sufficient electricity generation for Hoa Phat Hai Duong Steel Complex in the past 6 months has reached 204 million kWh, and the electricity output for Dung Quat has reached 764 million kWh.

Compared to the same period, Hoa Phat's electricity generation output decreased by 30% (6 months of 2022 reached more than 1.4 billion kWh) because the group actively cut down steel production when domestic consumption was still weak. Specifically, Hoa Phat intends to produce steel at 2 mills, including Hai Duong and Quang Ngai depending on market demand to ensure a reasonable inventory.


Hoa Phat Dung Quat Factory currently owns 6 residual thermal power generators, in phase 2 of Hoa Phat Dung Quat, the group will continue to invest in 5 power generators with a capacity of each unit reaching 60MW. It is known that when phase 2 is completed, the total power generation capacity at the Hoa Phat Dung Quat complex will reach 660MW, and the annual electricity output is estimated at more than 5 billion kWh.

If converted at the current electricity price,  the autonomous electricity generation at the Dung Quat and Hai Duong complex is worth over 67 million USD (equivalent to 1600 billion VND). It can be seen that the application of measures to recover residual heat for power generation has helped the group save tens of millions of USD per year while being self-sufficient in energy for production.

Hoa Phat applies greening technology in steel production

In the production process previously, the group used a large amount of electricity, water, coal, etc., so the mills emitted a considerable amount of dust and waste. In recent years, Hoa Phat has changed its steel production processes towards sustainability as well as environmental protection.

One of the famous greening solutions is the recovery of residual heat to create power for the production process. Accordingly, this technology will eliminate all harmful gas, fumes, and chemicals generated from the coking process and only recover residual heat to make raw materials for generators. The application of heat recovery technology will help Hoa Phat's electricity be saved and also ensure the health of workers at the factory because the technology will significantly control the amount of polluted dust.


In addition, Hoa Phat also improved the system process of blast furnace slag into construction materials, blast furnace slag emitted during the production process will be finely crushed to the required rate. Treated granulated slag will have a fineness similar to cement, and they are fully qualified for applying building material. 

Hoa Phat Group is one of the few businesses that can turn solid waste into construction materials and successfully recycle residual heat into electricity for production. Thanks to these recycling technologies, Hoa Phat can save significant costs in electricity consumption and solid waste treatment systems so that the product price is always at the optimal level and is suitable for almost the financial budgets of businesses.

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