First in Southeast Asia: Vietnamese Steel Manufacturer Achieves ResponsibleSteel™ Certification

Steel NewsDate: 20-05-2024 by: Ngoc Cam
To achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification, mills must meet strict ESG criteria designed specifically for the steel industry. This is a proud title for the sustainable steel production journey. BlueScope is the first steel mill in Vietnam and Southeast Asia to achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification.
NS BlueScope becomes first in Vietnam, Southeast Asia with ResponsibleSteel™ certification
The first steel mill in Vietnam and Southeast Asia to achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification
NS BlueScope is the first mill in Vietnam and Southeast Asia to achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification. This is also the third factory globally of BlueScope Group to receive this prestigious certification.
ResponsibleSteel™ is an international standard for sustainable development specifically for the steel industry. Mills are evaluated based on 13 "Responsible Steel" principles including environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. The certification demonstrates BlueScope's commitment to sustainable development in Vietnam.
Previously, in 20222, BlueScope was also the first and only galvanized steel supplier in Vietnam to be granted a "Green Label" certificate by the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) for its key products.
NS BlueScope pioneers sustainable steel production in Vietnam and Southeast Asia
Achieving ResponsibleSteelTM certification not only helps the company build a specific development roadmap in sustainable steel production but is also an inspiration for businesses striving to build a strong Vietnamese steel community.
Green steel or sustainable production is an emerging trend in developed markets such as the United States, Europe,... To meet sustainable production criteria, businesses are required to comply with higher standards.
Not an exception to that trend, since 2015, Vietnamese steel enterprises have continuously researched and improved technology to lead the steel industry to implement green transformation, complying with the commitments of the COP26 Climate Change Summit. The Vietnamese steel industry has developed and become one of the leading manufacturers in ASEAN in terms of production and consumption of finished steel products, ranking 12th in the world in crude steel production by 2023.
ResponsibleSteelTM certification inspires Vietnam's steel industry towards sustainability, aligning with global green trends
General introduction about NS BlueScope Vietnam
NS BlueScope is one of the largest steel sheet manufacturers in Vietnam, part of the Australian NS BlueScope Group. NS BlueScope joined Vietnam's steel industry in 1993, specializing in galvanized steel products such as cold-plated steel, heat-insulating steel, foam steel,... Inheriting experience and production technology from NS BlueScope Australia group, NS BlueScope Vietnam's products are of high quality and exported to many fastidious markets around the world. In recent years, BlueScope has been the only galvanized steel manufacturer in Vietnam to possess Activate™ four-layer matrix plating technology - an AM standard that helps protect base steel against all harsh environmental conditions, increasing the lifespan of constructions and enhancing investment efficiency.
The above article by MRS Steel shared some interesting information surrounding ResponsibleSteel™ certification as well as NS BlueScope Vietnam mill. Don't forget to follow MRS Steel to read more useful news about the Vietnamese and global steel markets.
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