
Summary of Vietnamese steel trade defense cases in Canada, Mexico, EU and India 2023

Summary of Vietnamese steel trade defense cases in Canada, Mexico, EU and India 2023

Steel NewsDate: 31-05-2024 by: Ngoc Cam

By the end of 2023, Vietnamese goods were the subject of many investigations related to trade remedies in major markets such as the Americas, Europe and Asia. 

In this article, MRS Steel will review cases of investigation and application of trade defense against Vietnamese steel in Canada, Mexico, the EU and India.

Vietnamese goods were the subject of many investigations trade defense from Canada, Mexico, the EU and India
Vietnamese goods were the subject of many investigations trade defense from Canada, Mexico, the EU and India

Canadian market

Re-investigate with corrosion-resistant steel sheet (COR)

On January 16, 2023, Canada conducted a re-investigation (administrative review) of the normal value and export price for corrosion-resistant steel from Turkey and Vietnam. On July 17, 2023, Canada announced the conclusion of the re-investigation, accordingly, basically keeping the old anti-dumping duty rate unchanged (2.3% - 71.1%) and adding new companies eligible for individual duties.

The end-of-term review of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on cold rolled steel

On November 15, 2023, Canada announced the initiation of an end-of-term review of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on cold rolled steel from China, Korea and Vietnam. The case is under investigation and a conclusion is expected before April 12, 2024.

Canada initiates review of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese cold rolled steel
Canada initiates review of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese cold rolled steel

Mexican market

Anti-dumping investigation on galvanized steel

On August 31, 2021, Mexico initiated an anti-dumping investigation into galvanized steel imported from Vietnam. On September 14, 2022, Mexico issued a preliminary conclusion on the case, accordingly, the dumping margin of Vietnamese galvanized steel exporters ranges from 0% - 12.34%. On February 24, 2023, Mexico issued its final conclusion, accordingly, the dumping margin was reduced to from 0% - 10.84%. Mexico also assesses that there are no special market factors in the Vietnamese steel industry and uses the value provided by Vietnamese enterprises to calculate the margin.

Mexico's anti-dumping investigation: Vietnamese galvanized steel exporters face margin reductions.
Mexico's anti-dumping investigation: Vietnamese galvanized steel exporters face margin reductions.

Anti-dumping of cold-rolled steel

On July 28, 2022, Mexico initiated an anti-dumping investigation into cold rolled steel coils imported from Vietnam. On September 14, 2023, Mexico issued a preliminary conclusion, accordingly, based on the allegation of "special market situation" with Vietnamese cold rolled steel industry, Mexico used alternative values to calculate dumping margins of 12.77% - 81.06%. On December 28, 2023, UPCI issued the final conclusion, adjusting the dumping margin to 11.64% - 79.24%.

EU market

Anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations on cold-rolled stainless steel (SSCR)

On August 14, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade received information about the EU initiating two investigations on anti-dumping and countervailing duties on cold-rolled stainless steel products from Vietnam, Taiwan and Turkey Most major Vietnamese companies fully cooperated in the investigation. The Ministry of Industry and Trade also coordinated to provide information and data on time according to EU requests. The investigation is ongoing.

The EU reviews the application of safeguard measures on certain steel products

On June 2, 2023, the WTO Safeguards Committee announced that the EU would continue to extend the safeguard measures for another year (effective from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). Vietnam is subject to a quarterly quota shared with other countries for certain steel products exported to the EU. The EU can conduct a review to continue extending the safeguard measure for a maximum of 2 years or terminate the measure.

Indian market

Anti-Dumping Investigation on stainless steel welded pipes

On September 30, 2023, the General Department of Trade Defense (DGTR) announced the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation on stainless steel welded pipes imported from Thailand and Vietnam. The investigation is ongoing.

DGTR launches anti-dumping probe on stainless steel welded pipes from Thailand and Vietnam
DGTR launches anti-dumping probe on stainless steel welded pipes from Thailand and Vietnam

End-of-term review of countervailing duty on Welded Stainless Steel Pipes

On September 30, 2023, DGTR announced the initiation of a end-of-term review of countervailing duty orders on welded stainless steel pipes from China and Vietnam. In this case, the Ministry of Industry and Trade coordinated with relevant agencies to submit responses to the Government's questions on time. The review is ongoing.

The above information summarizes the trade defense investigations and measures applied to Vietnamese steel in Canada, Mexico, the EU and India. The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade continues to support businesses in responding to and appealing against trade defense measures to protect preferential tax rates. MRS Steel owns a team of leading market research and export experts, helps importers access high-quality steel sources at the best prices. If you have any questions about importing Vietnamese steel, please contact us for the best support.

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