SY STEEL VINA is a color-coated steel manufacturing company under SY Group Korea - the brand with the world's leading panel production market share. Vietnam is one of SY Group's three large mills in Asia, specializing in distributing high-quality pre-coated metal and laminated steel (Vinyl coated metal) to domestic and international markets. Currently, SY Steel Vina is a supply partner for large corporations in the world such as SamSung, LG, Nutricare, GFood,...1. Overview of SY STEEL VINASY Steel Vina is a famous brand in the production and distribution of high-quality pre-coated steel and Vinyl coated metal to domestic and international customers. The company specializes in providing color-coated corrugated sheets from many types of base metals such as steel, aluminum, stainless steel (SUS),... Currently, SY is operating 3 production technologies including PCM (Pre-Coated Metal), VCM (Vinyl Coated Metal), SSL (Shearing and Slitter Line) with a total capacity of more than 190,000 tons/year. Thanks to quality raw materials, along with modern production technology, SY's finished products are diverse in color, style, design and quality to meet the most stringent requirements of customers.SY's main products include sandwich panels, Urethane Insulator, ACP, auxiliary materials, windows, doors, colored steel panels, CCL, Solar modules, ESS, invertors, floor panels, H-beams, Polyol systems, fire retardants, decorative panels, necotile, UBR and modular houses (SIP),... serving fields such as architecture, construction, and household appliances.Paint resinCharacteristicRMP (Regular Modified Polyester)Medium performance, conventional coating.HDP (High Durability Polyester)Good performance, good weather resistance, good hydrolysis resistance, excellent chemical resistance and durability.SMP (Silicone Modified Polyester)Good performance, wear out resistance, scratch resistance, withstand the processing of stamping.MattGood performance, attractive effect, good color retention.Print (RMP)Attractive pattern design: Shingles, hairline, wood , 3D, Corten, etc.PVDF (Poly Vinylidene Fluoride)Best performance in anti-heat resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance, color retention.PVDF (Poly Vinylidene Fluoride)Anti bacteria and fungal. Mostly use in operation room, clean roomSY Antistatic (HPP)Anti static compound helps increase resistivity 106~108 Ω/cm2. Mostly used in high-tech works or places that are easy to catch fire and explosion.SY Cool Roofing (SQ-40CR)Reflect UV, excellent anti-heat performance, reduces 8-25% interior temperature. Lifespan 40 years.2. Advanced production technology system2.1. Pre-Coated Metal (PCM) TechnologyTo increase aesthetics, durability, scratch resistance and many other outstanding features for metal panels, SY Steel Vina coats the surface with a layer of PCM before cutting and shaping. The processing speed of PCM technology is extremely fast and high productivity. Users can request gloss and smooth texture to give the product a more luxurious and high-end appearance.PCM coatings are often applied to washing machines, air conditioners, microwave ovens, TVs, audio equipment covers, refrigerators,... SY Vina meets both mass production in large quantities and according to customer's demand. With diverse, eye-catching and durable paint colors, PCM steel panels are becoming a new trend in the field of high-end home appliances.2.2. Vinyl Coated Metal (VCM) TechnologyVCM steel, also known as VCM multi-layer steel, goes through a special production process to create high-quality products with outstanding durability and aesthetics. Colored steel panels, cold-rolled steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel,... are covered with PVC film, which acts as a protective layer, preventing corrosion, rust, scratches, chemicals and UV rays. They are used in high-end household products such as refrigerator covers, washing machines, air conditioners, elevators, appliances... In addition, the durability and longevity of VCM products are better than traditional coated metals. SY Steel has available designs in terms of color, pattern, texture and accepts designs according to customer's demand. Currently, SY's VCM steel focuses on the high-end furniture segment, popular in major markets such as Japan, Australia,... One of the most notable features of VCM steel at SY is the gloss effect from low to high, creating unique and delicate patterns such as wood grain, stone grain, tile grain, leather grain,...3. MRS Steel – Sourcing and importing unit of high quality SY Steel Vina steelMRS Steel is a trusted partner of many Vietnamese steel importers around the world such as the United States, Australia, Italy, EU, Malaysia, Indonesia,... With more than 12 years of experience in the field of iron and steel export, MRS Steel has expanded its connection network with many large mills such as SY Steel Vina, Hoa Phat, Ton Hoa Sen,...We always support customers in researching the domestic market, order requirements, customs procedures and many other issues to optimize time, effort and purchasing costs. MRS Steel went directly to SY's factory to review technology lines, test samples and discuss with SY's board of directors to agree on sales and warranty policies to ensure the best benefits for importers. If customers need a quote for the highest quality PCM and VCM steel, please contact MRS Steel via Whatsapp +84 76 911 2358 for the best support.