PC Strand: Top 9 Application of Prestressed Steel in Life

BlogDate: 26-07-2023 by: Ngoc Cam
Prestressed Concrete is a type of steel with high applicability in civil construction, road, bridge works, and irrigation system… It has three types: PC Wire, PC Bar, and PC Strand with excellent bearing capacity and combined with other materials to create strength, durability, and stability. In this article, MRS Steel will introduce the most popular application of PC Strand in life.
1. Concrete production
In construction, PC Strand can be combined with reinforced concrete types, ensuring constructions with long spans, light but good-bearing structures with optimal cost.
PC Strand is also used in the construction of beams and prestressed concrete floors for high-rise buildings to reduce the height of the flooring.
2. Irrigation systems, bridges, and roads
Prestressed steel with technical improvements in prestressing, has durability, compressive strength, and anti-corrosion, so it is widely applied in infrastructure works. Specifically, PC Strands are used in irrigation systems such as reinforced concrete dams, retaining wall bridges, dam gates,... For the field of road and bridge construction, adding PC Strand helps prevent beam structure from cracking. In addition, prestressed steel is also used to make 124-130m girder bridge cables. These types of bridges have high durability and long spans, so they are suitable for crossing long distances.
3. Parking
PC Strand is used as the primary material in the construction of parking structures because of the following advantages:
The ability to resist deflection and movement during seismic situations, earthquakes, violent shaking,...
Good resistance to corrosion, wind, and water damage.
Build a permanent foundation, and reduce the need for regular maintenance.
4. Storage tank
General principles when building tanks must use particular types of concrete, have high sustainability in an aggressive environment, ensure waterproof requirements, and have anti-corrosion reinforcement. Therefore, PC Strand is the most suitable material for designing concrete storage tanks that are resistant to internal pressure. This results in a thin, light outer wall layer, reducing the overall weight of the tank but still being able to withstand external forces such as earthquakes, rainstorms,...
5. Rails
Reinforced steel cables have many advantages that other materials cannot meet such as being extremely durable, strong, and resistant to external factors such as the environment and weather. Therefore, they are applied as rails with a design that minimizes the impact of the train on the track surface.
6. Sewers
Sewers have strict requirements on materials and design principles to ensure smooth and safe circulation of flows. PC Strands are trusted in sewer systems because they can withstand high pressures and loads. In addition, reinforced steel sewer pipes are resistant to corrosion and do not degrade over time.
7. Electricity transmission lines
Prestressed steel is widely used in telephone and electricity transmission lines because of its high strength, durability, and resistance to heavy loads from line movement.
8. Concrete pavements
The road surface bears great traffic and weathering, so road projects always emphasize strength and durability. First, the pavement is prestressed with a system of high-strength cables or rods, and then concrete is poured over the top surface to extend the life of the pavement.
9. Concrete pile
PC Strand is a material that has been improved by prestressing techniques to achieve high strength, compressive strength, and load-bearing capacity, often used in concrete piles. Prestressed concrete brushes are produced by centrifugal rotation with the compressive strength of concrete from B40-B60. It has 2 types of shapes: round pile and square pile, centrifugal concrete grade of 500 or more.
10. Import of PC Strand prestressed steel in Vietnam
Vietnam has exported PC Strand to many countries and territories around the world such as the US, Canada, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brazil, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,..., ensuring the standard requirements input and output for the finished product. The product has a full range of American standards ASTM A416/A416M-17, ensuring mechanical properties, compressive strength, and other technical standards.
When importing PC Strand from Vietnam, the goods are committed to having no signs of stretching, harmful splits, serrations, rough edges, surface defects, cracks, or other defects in the manufacturing process.
Above are the top 9 applications of PC Strand in popular construction fields that you can refer to. For any information, questions, and needs to learn about Vietnam's quality PC Strand, please contact us via Email: vanloc@mrssteel.com.vn for the best support!
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