Does galvanized steel rust? Factors affecting galvanized steel

BlogDate: 12-06-2024 by: Nhu Quynh
Does galvanized steel rust? Many people are concerned about rust when using galvanized steel products. Because the durability of steel directly affects the lifespan of the structure and the durability of the system, limiting rust is very important when using galvanized steel.
In the article below, MRS Steel will summarize useful information about this issue. Let's find out now!
Does galvanized steel rust? Let's find out in the article below
Does galvanized steel rust? An effective way to prevent rust from galvanized steel
When we first learned about it and used it, we often wondered about the quality of the product, especially the issue of rusted galvanized steel. To know the exact answer to the question: Does galvanized steel rust? Let's learn about the content below.
Will galvanized steel rust?
Does galvanized steel rust? This is a question many people ask when first coming into contact with this type of steel. Normally, galvanized steel is quite durable because the zinc coating reacts with the steel surface, creating a quite durable outer coating. Therefore, products made from galvanized steel will partly limit corrosion and rust due to the effects of chemicals and environmental weather. Although highly resistant to corrosion, galvanized steel rust if not stored properly.
Galvanized steel is a type of steel that is very resistant to rust. The zinc coating has the ability to protect the inner steel layer from external impacts. However, depending on the conditions of each different usage need, the product's anti-rust ability is different. If the product is used in places with good, dry conditions, the anti-rust time of the product will be very high. For products used in harsh conditions such as flooded areas and coastal areas, the zinc coating layer will erode faster and the will galvanized steel rust.
We have answered the question: Does galvanized steel rust? Next, let's learn how to preserve galvanized steel from rust.
Galvanized steel pipes oxidize, leading to rust
How to protect galvanized steel from rusting
Although zinc plating can help steel limit rust, oxidation, and corrosion in different environments. However, with the influence of external factors such as weather, climate, and natural disasters, galvanized steel rust. The way to limit the corrosion rate of galvanized steel is to create a solid protective film. Below are a few solutions to help limit the rusting galvanized steel.
- Use anti-rust oil and grease: Anti-rust oil is an oil that prevents corrosion of air, water, and atmospheric environmental impacts on metal surfaces, thereby repelling water on galvanized steel surfaces. Minimizes rust and creates adhesion. However, under real conditions, anti-rust oil needs to be used regularly. When the oil dries, we need to add new oil. For metals that have not been used for a long time, when we need to reuse it, we just need to clean off the layer of grease that was previously applied to the metal surface. This method is often used to preserve small metal items such as knives, scissors, bolts, or devices with metal outer shells.
- Rust proof paint: Is galvanized steel rust proof? The galvanized steel surface itself is more resistant to corrosion than other types of steel. However, in environments where there is frequent contact with steel-corrosive agents, rust still occurs. Therefore, anti-rust paint contributes to protecting the zinc coating, helps limit steel from oxidative corrosion, and also creates aesthetics for the product. This is the most economical method to prevent rust. This method can be applied even when the object is in use. Coating also does not have to be repeated many times, like anti-rust oil or grease. That's why this method is often used for buildings, machinery, boats, fences, or tables and chairs.
Spray paint on the steel sheet to limit rust
Factors affecting rust on galvanized steel
Does galvanized steel rust? What are the factors that affect rust on galvanized steel? Let's find out more about MRS Steel in the section below.
- Zinc coating: The zinc coating acts as a protective layer; it separates the steel from the outside environment, limiting oxidation and rust. However, this galvanized layer can thin over time due to environmental impacts, friction,... This exposes the steel inside to oxygen and leads to rust.
- Environment: This is one of the factors that can galvanized steel rust. The harsher the environment, acidic, high humidity, or direct contact with water, chemicals,... the faster the zinc coating will erode, leading to rust. In particular, the corrosion process occurs more quickly when galvanized steel is exposed to seawater.
- Product quality: Poor-quality galvanized steel and thin and uneven zinc coatings are also factors affecting the rusted galvanized steel.
Galvanized steel will corrode and rust, but not until after many years of use, because the impact causes the surface of the material to be scratched too much, causing oxidation on the surface of the material to occur. Only quickly will galvanized steel begin to rust. Therefore, properly preserving galvanized steel is also a method to help increase the lifespan of galvanized steel.
Marine environments cause galvanized steel to rust faster
How long does galvanized steel last?
How long does galvanized steel last? The lifespan of a galvanized coating depends on several factors, including the thickness of the coating, the environmental conditions to which the coated metal is exposed, and the type of zinc coating used. In fact, galvanized steel will rust. How quickly the rust process on galvanized steel happens depends on many factors.
For hot-dip galvanized steel, the lifespan can last up to 50 years in normal environments and 25 years in environments subject to more impacts such as acids, marine environments,... Electro-galvanized steel is thinner than hot-dip galvanized steel, so the lifetime of this galvanized layer will also be shorter. Typically, this coating can last 20 years in normal weather conditions and 10 years in more corrosive environments.
Hot-dip galvanized coating lasts longer than electro-galvanized steel
MRS Steel - Vietnam's leading galvanized steel supplier
Currently, on the market, there are many different galvanized steel manufacturing companies and fierce competition in price and quality. In addition, the situation of fake galvanized steel and poor-quality steel is also an issue that many businesses need to pay attention to when choosing to buy.
MRS Steel, with more than 12 years of experience operating in the steel field, specializes in providing steel products from famous brands in the Vietnamese market. With high-quality raw materials and a production process that applies many modern technologies, MRS Steel will certainly be a reliable galvanized steel supplier.
MRS Steel is here to answer the question “does galvanized steel rust?”. Hopefully, the information we have just shared has helped you get a satisfactory answer. If you need support or answers about steel products, don't hesitate to contact us here.
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