India Review on Subsidy Taxes for Stainless Steel Welded Pipes from Vietnam

Steel NewsDate: 09-12-2023 by: Nhu Quynh
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just announced receiving information from India's Directorate General of Trade Remedies about issuing a questionnaire for the sunset review of countervailing duties on stainless steel welded pipes from China and Vietnam.
The Trade Remedies Authority specifies that a sunset review is conducted just before the expiration of a 5-year period from the date of the official decision on anti-dumping duties or from the date of the review results (if the review covers both anti-dumping and damage).
The tax imposition was issued by the Indian Ministry of Finance and became effective for a period of 5 years starting on September 17, 2019. The goods under review are stainless steel welded pipes falling under the HS codes: 7306 40 00, 7306 61 00, 7306 69 00, 7304 11 10, 7304 11 90, 7304 41 00, 7304 51 10, 7304 90 00, 7305 11 29, 7305 90 99, 7306 11 00, 7306 21 00, 7306 29 19, 7306 30 90, 7306 50 00, 7306 90 11, 7306 90 19, 7306 90 90. The HS codes do not limit the scope of the products under review.
According to India's regulations, after 5 years of application, upon the request of the domestic manufacturing sector's representative, the Directorate General of Trade Remedies must conduct a final review to assess the necessity of continuing the anti-subsidy measures or to consider the possibility of a recurrence of subsidization practices or damage to the domestic manufacturing sector if the anti-subsidy duty on stainless steel welded pipes from Vietnam is terminated.
The initiation of the sunset review investigation on the anti-subsidy tax on stainless steel welded pipes from Vietnam took place on September 30, 2023, according to the Directorate General of Trade Remedies. The official submission of the questionnaire for investigation to manufacturers, exporters and related parties occurred on November 28, 2023, by the Indian Directorate. Consequently, concerned parties have 7 days from the official date of sending the questionnaire to submit opinions on the security measures of the petition within the required file. Within 15 days from the official date of sending the questionnaire, entities need to provide input on the petition, the scope of the investigated goods, and propose product management code numbers. Furthermore, the respondents are expected to submit their responses to the investigation questionnaire and relevant information within 30 days from the official date the Directorate General of Trade Remedies sent out the questionnaire.
The period for conducting the review on the anti-subsidy duty on stainless steel welded pipes from Vietnam spans from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023. Regarding the content related to damages, the investigation period will additionally cover the three most recent financial years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022.
The Bureau of Trade Remedies recommends that relevant exporters thoroughly study all related documents and information regarding the case. Full and comprehensive cooperation with the Indian Directorate General of Trade Remedies is advised. Register as an involved party, respond to the questionnaire within the specified timeframe and format and maintain regular contact with the Bureau of Trade Remedies to receive timely information and support.
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